I’m going to try my best to lay out my thought processes in a linear manner but in the end it simply is the truth and our science hasn’t advanced enough to “prove” it yet.
I still don’t fully understand or grasp what multidimensional being really means but for me part of advancing that understanding requires me to write this essay about it and share my recent realizations. How can I experience quantum and perceive in the quantum if I am still attached to how people view my physical persona? We are all more than than, we are our souls which manifest in so many more ways than I can understand at this moment. But if you’ve ever looked at someone and really seen them, you know what I mean about seeing someone’s soul (their true self) versus their physical presence and personality.
It would be something like if all we could perceive of an oak tree was a single acorn. We can’t see the rest of the oak tree which is above and below and interacts with the air, the earth, water and community. Yet we assume the acorn is all there is and that’s the meaning we attribute to it.
I’ve always felt lost and confused over my identify, nothing ever seemed to fit. Now it makes sense, labels are linear, I am not. I came into the world even from a young age being obsessed with learning “the secrets of the universe”, putting it all together and world peace. War never made a lick of sense to me, neither did hating people or judging them. I bring this up because as a child I was atypical in my energy levels (very high), very sensitive and saw and understood events and people in a way that wasn’t really explainable by my age or experiences. I believed truly that if I could figure out my true self, I would understand everything else. Up till very recently, I was very very much in the dark about myself. I’m clearer now than I have ever been but still peeling back some layers.
I’ve always been baffled by the external fixation of people. Haven’t you ever been curious about why you do things? Who you are? How you connect to everything?
This series of realizations (that I am multidimensional and not just my physical body and what I can see with my 5 senses) occurred as I made the choice to take control of my life. My mental and physical well being, my relationships etc. As I shifted, my outward world shifted. WHOA. Mindblown.
I began to feel better physically and emotionally as I shed layers that weren’t me, but just random bullshit I picked up over the years. Other people’s projected beliefs that I attributed to myself. I moved closer to what I could feel was the my true self: grateful, complex, loving, goofball, expansive desirous of peace, harmony and for everyone to be be able to experience the same gratitude and fulfillment peace and love in their daily lives and for us to work together and live in harmony on our beautiful planet .
Guess what, our life, our reality, is all a choice. I’ve been there, angry at the world, blaming everyone and everything around me except for myself. I hope if you are in this place and you don’t want to be anymore you can find compassion for yourself and see your own power to change your reality. See it in your mind, take the actions you need to take to move toward it. The universe has got your back.
Want to hear some of the crazy shit and realizations that have been happening? Because honestly I feel like a combination of Harry Potter/Indiana Jones and it is fucking AMAZING!
**I’m following the breadcrumb trail that I have left myself (my higher self that exists outside time) which has led to an incredible series of events and experiences to weave a whole bunch of information together about quantum, water, sound and grids.
**I’m expanding my sensory awareness and imagination for what is truly capable in this universe with our minds. Hello I’m gonna fly and teleport.
**I’m seeing visions that other people across the world are seeing (simultaneously) of our future.
**I’m talking to trees and flowers.
**I’m connected to GAIA
There’s a lot more and if you’re interested you can message me, but it would literally be books worth of notes. I’m not going to list the synthesis of events and logic and experiences that have led me to this place. It’s possible but only if you make it possible. Here’s a couple tid bits from the science world that fit into the puzzle.
++Physics (math) don’t lie. There’s entire aspects of the universe we can’t explain with our current physics system (it’s incomplete). Zero point is part of it for sure. What will that turn up once we see the big picture?
++Explain the entire host of phenomena that is either “unexplainable” or a “fraud” (psychics, hauntings, near death experiences, CIA research program on ESP, UFO news coming out)
++Also just think for a second about the logic of believing we are omniscient and we really understand the framework of our INFINITE universe…. that’s never seemed remotely logical to me. Not to mention the fact that every time we have a significant breakthrough in human “awareness” , those theoretical breakthrough are ridiculed until much later points in time.
We’re all connected. You already have the universe inside you!!!!! Dude, seriously. Check out the Global Consciousness Project at Princeton University I still don’t have any clue what is happening except it’s awesome af! I’m taking things as they come, trying to remain centered and observe this insane ride and moment in history we are living (in this place with time).
Why do we care about all these trivial things when we are fucking badasses of light? And we create our realities with our mind!!!!!!
If you read this and don’t understand what in the hell I’m talking about, that’s okay. I love all you beautiful souls here on this crazy journey through this crazy beautiful universe.